Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is lavender lotion that caught my attention because of its packaging. The label has used some elements from the arts and crafts movement. 

The Arts and Crafts movement was when design started to have lots of detail in a decorative form. This was a result of the mass production in Industrial Revolution. The Arts and Craft movement was about attention to detail to make things look beautiful. 

Although this isn't completely this style the decorative border in the centre of the label is. The border is in the shape of a star or flower which makes it more interesting. The Arts and Crafts movement has a lot of designs with decorative foliage patterns. This border on the lavender lotion has used a similar style. Also, the label isn't cut straight it has a patterned edge which gives it more detail which was the aim of this movement.

Although it hasn't used all the elements of the movement it has used some and has created a simplified design.

Swedish advertising

This is a swedish advertisement that was released in 2008. Its campaigne was based on the saying "Do you have what it takes". The aim of the campaigne was to try and get people to join the armed forces.

I think this advertisement has a constructivist style. This is because of the floating geometric forms. El Lazar Lissitzky is a famous constructivist who used various floating shapes in his artwork. Also, san-serif typefaces were traditionally used in this art movement. In this advertisement the type is in capitals in a san-serif font. The typical colours for this movement were red and black. In this advertisement black is the dominant colour and the white is used to balance it and draw in attention. However, a small amount of red is used in the centre at the bottom of the page. 

Therefore, I believe the swedish who released this advertising last year have used constructivism to get there message across.