Wednesday, February 25, 2009

100's 1000's packaging

I saw this product at work when putting 100's & 1000's on a kids ice-cream sundae and thought to my self how well marketed sprinkles are to children. Adults usually have nuts on their sundaes whereas children always choose the 100's & 1000's. 

100's and 1000's packaging has been designed to target children. The variety of bright colours causes children to be intrigued. The clear packaging allows the consumer to see the product. This also adds more colour and makes the label stand out because of its black background.

The label  is playful and fun as a result of the bright colours and illustrations of balloons and clown. Even the label has a unique shape instead of being a standard rectangle. This all adds to the fun effect of the product. Therefore, not only are children intrigued by the product but also parents who want their children to have a treat. It is important for products targeted at children to also target parents because its the parents who buy the product and allow their children to eat it. 

The label is quite simple while maintaining a fun and childish feel to it. I think this product has been well marketed to children because of its success with this target audience. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nike is a well established brand that everyone knows so they can use their logo without saying their name or what they sell. Nike has assumed that the viewers already know this information. This is a result of very good marketing in previous years. 

I love this advertisement because its eye catching and how the logo speaks for the brand and what it sells. The logo stands out because of the rest of the advertisements grungy and plain look. Therefore, the dirty red is eye catching while still remaining with in the theme of the advertisement.  

The image and the saying "just do it" is meant to draw viewers attention to this advertisement. This marketing strategy to use humor maintains viewers attention and therefore increases the chances of viewers remembering the advertisement and wanting to buy Nike's products.

This is advertisement has been well composed and i would imagine that it was very successful because viewers would easily remember it.

Nike advertisement
viewed: 16/02/09

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

English Breakfast tea

"Lipton English Breakfast tea" is a full bodied black tea that is widely available throughout supermarkets. We have this tea at work and I took the empty box home because I loved the packaging.

I like the luxurious and peaceful style of the packaging which is conveyed through the use of colour. The white centered gradient draws viewers' attention to the label "English Breakfast". While the shades of red and touches of gold help create a rich and luxurious vibe to the packaging . This positions viewers to feel like they are indulging in an up-market tea and are therefore getting their money's worth. Also, the use of the dark red's complimentary colour on the leaf creates a glowing effect that enhances the colour scheme.

I believe this is packaging that has been well designed.